Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Courtesy Of My Fellow ILN Brother Eng Joo Koh ( Ko Jack)

Many people are

The Pike & the Little Minnows
They put a big aggressive pike into the fish tank to do this experiment. Then they put some little minnows into the sa'limiting' themselves mentally. The only reason they are in their present state of condition is because of the way they think. I will illustrate this point with the following example:me fish tank.

Those poor little minnows had no chance and soon will end up in the pike's stomach. After a few days later, when the pike is hungry again, they would place a piece of glass slab divider down the middle dividing the fish tank into 2 sections.

So they introduce the little minnows into the section that is without the pike. The hungry pike would aggressively attack the little minnows but in vain because he will only hit the invisible glass divider.

He will keep trying banging off the glass slab. After a few days of trying, the hungry and disappointed pike stopped trying. Slowly, they would raise the divider, thus letting the little minnows swim around. And guess what?

The conditioned pike, having failed for a few days, now gave up and did not make any attempt to strike, even when the minnows swim pass in front of his face. The pike in this experiment actually died from starvation even though there is available food.

Many people are conditioned by failure for many years. Many are struggling and they are spiralling down deeper and deeper into debt. They cannot figure out a way to get out of their situation.

Many have given up hope and gave up trying, just like the pike. They are dwindling and deteriorating fast into Hopelessness. Before they "drowned" themselves to death, what if there is a way, a sure way that is going to guarantee them a way out.

First you must pick these 2 persons out from the over 2000 people that you know. Which 2 persons will fit this description that I just gave you? Which 2 names are you going to pick to help right now?

Anthony Robbin taught this concept saying when you drastically change your state of mind to something more "Urgent", like saving people's lives, the mind would drop what was less important and react to the emergency, like the woman being able to lift up the automobile just by herself, all because her child was pinned underneath.

Moku Correa


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